In the Crossbordering Farmers project, the geographical borders of Germany and France as well as those of analog and digital agriculture are overcome.…
Starting from the 27.10.2023, the lecture series on Interoperability Series - Data Space Connectivity Requirements for Sustainable Agriculture and…
Prof. Dr. Jörg Dörr gave a presentation at the BITKOM AK Landwirtschaft on the topic "The world of data space technologies and the EU project…
- 21.06.2023 - Invitation Workshop for Students: Agile Software Development
- The company andrena invites to a workshop for students on "Agile Software Development" from 28.08-01.09.2023. Further information can be found here.
- 21.06.2023 - Invitation Workshop: Agile Software Development for Scientists
- The company andrena invites to a workshop on the topic "Agile Software Development for Scientists" on 28.06.2023. Further information can be found here.
- 08.05.2023 - Presentation Zentralausschuss Digitalisierung des Industrieverband Agrar e.V. (IVA)
- Jörg Dörr, „Interoperabilitätsinitiativen in der Landwirtschaft“, Zentralausschuss Digitalisierung des Industrieverband Agrar e.V. (IVA), 8.5.2023
- 27.03.2023 - Presentation Gaia-X Agar Hub
- Jörg Dörr, „Gaia-X in der Welt der Datenraumtechnologien – Eine Einordnung“, virtuelles Treffen, Gaia-X Agrar Hub Deutschland, 27.3.2023
- 26.03.2023 - Keynote Smart Calf Rearing Conference
- Jörg Dörr, “Digital Farming in the era of digital ecosystems”, Keynote Smart Calf Rearing Conference, Kaiserslautern, 26.3.2023
- 09.02.2023 - New research assistant
- From mid-February Vishal Sharbidar will support us as a research assistant at the Digital Farming Chair.
- 08.02.2023 - Two publications at GIL-Jahrestagung 2023
- S. Bosse et al., "Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz - Ein plattformbasierter Ansatz für Forschung und Industrie", in 43. GIL-Jahrestagung, Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, 2023.
- F. Phillips, M. Favier & J. Dörr, "FarmBot-based-ISOBUS demonstrator for research and teaching", in 43. GIL-Jahrestagung, Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, 2023.
- 08.02.2023 - Publication in Informatik Spektrum
- Doerr, J., Favier, M. & Moehrle, F. Interoperabilität im Digital Farming – Status quo und zukünftige Herausforderungen. Informatik Spektrum (2023).
- 08.02.2023 - Presentation on „Improving interoperability in the agricultural domain: the gaia-x initiative (…and more)“
- Jörg Dörr, Presentation on „Improving interoperability in the agricultural domain: the gaia-x initiative (…and more)“ at event “Space Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture - Where space data, connectivity and new technologies connect with the agri-food sector” (Space Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture | ESA Business Applications). 25.1.2023, Stream available here (timestamp: 4:02:27)
- 01.02.2023 - Presentations at the GIL Conference 2023
- The chair will give two paper and one project presentation at the GIL conference from 13.02.2023 to 14.02.2023 at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. Further information about the GIL conference can be found here (German).
- 13.01.2023 - Invitation to the online event: Efficient fertilisation through digitalisation (German)
- 02.01.2023 - New research project - Offene Digitalisierungsallianz Pfalz II (ODPfalz)
- Since January 2023, the chair has been participating in the project Offene Digitalisierungsallianz Pfalz II (ODPfalz) with a work package. Here you can find more information about the project.